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Transport Service


The Transport service provides source-independent control of play, pause, stop, skip and seek.

If a device's Product service reports an attribute "Transport", then that device is guaranteed to bear the Transport service. If the Transport service is available, all its properties and actions must be fully implemented.

Evented Properties


List of available modes (JSON array of strings).


true if the SkipNext action is currently available; false otherwise.

Any mode that is sometimes capable of changing stream as a consequence of SkipNext will always report CanSkipNext as true.


true if the SkipPrevious action is currently available; false otherwise.

Any mode that is sometimes capable of changing stream as a consequence of SkipPrevious will always report CanSkipPrevious as true.


true if the SetRepeat action is currently available; false otherwise.


true if the SetShuffle action is currently available; false otherwise.


Integer id, uniquely identifying the current stream.


true if the SeekSecondAbsolute and SeekSecondRelative actions are available for the current stream; false otherwise.


true if the stream can be paused (so is not being played at a rate determined by a remote sender); false otherwise.


One of

  • Playing
  • Paused
  • Stopped
  • Buffering
  • Waiting


true if repeat mode is currently enabled; false otherwise.


true if shuffle mode is currently enabled; false otherwise.



Arguments: (in string mode, in string command)
Start a new stream playing, specifying both a mode (source) to be used and a mode-specific command which describes the track to be played. Common options for modes and commands are documented separately.


Arguments: None
Start a pending stream playing.

A stream must be ready to play. Possibly via calls to another network service.

Behaviour when a stream is already playing varies depending on the active modes (source).


Arguments: None
Pause the current stream.

Returns a 801 fault code if the current channel does not support being paused (is being played at a rate determined by a remote sender).


Arguments: None Stop the current stream.


Arguments: None
Move to the next stream (i.e. skip forwards). Determination of what comes next may vary between sources/modes. If TransportState is Stopped or Paused, try to start playing.


Arguments: None
Move to the previous stream (i.e. skip backwards). If TransportState is Stopped or Paused, try to start playing.

Returns a 801 fault code if the current channel does not support skipping backwards.


Arguments: (in uint repeat)
Sets the Repeat state of the device, affecting all sources that are capable of implementing a repeat feature.


Arguments: (in uint shuffle)
Sets the Shuffle state of the device, affecting all sources that are capable of implementing a randomise feature.


Arguments: (in uint streamId, in uint secondsAbsolute)
Seek to an absolute position in the current stream. If TransportState is Stopped or Paused, try to start playing.

Returns a 803 fault code if the seek is not possible.


Arguments: (in uint streamId, in int secondsRelative)
Seek to a position relative to what's currently playing in the current stream. If TransportState is Stopped or Paused, try to start playing.

Returns a 803 fault code if the seek is not possible.


Arguments: (out string state)
Read the current value of the TransportState property.


Arguments: (out string modes)
Return the value of the Modes property.


Arguments: (out string mode, out bool canSkipNext, out bool canSkipPrevious, out bool canRepeat, out bool canShuffle)
Reports the values of the Mode, CanSkipNext, CanSkipPrev, CanRepeat and CanShuffle properties.


(out uint streamId, out bool seekable, out bool pausable)

Reports current stream information:

  • StreamId
  • Seekable
  • Pausable


Arguments: (out uint streamId)
Read the current value of the StreamId property.


Arguments: (out uint repeat)
Read the current value of the Repeat property.


Arguments: (out uint shuffle)
Read the current value of the Shuffle property.

UPnP Service Description

For devices supporting the UPnP protocol, the service description is

name: "Transport"
domain: ""
version: "1"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<scpd xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service-1-0">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="yes">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="no">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="no">
    <stateVariable sendEvents="no">