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OpenHome Device Protocol


OpenHome Device Protocl (ODP) allows a control point to control and receive evented updates from an OpenHome device using a single TCP socket. This has some advantages over UPnP:

  • No need to define error handling policy for cases where evented updates cannot be delivered.
    If the socket connection is open, it'll be possible to deliver an evented update.
    If the socket connection is broken, the device can automatically clean up all subscriptions from that control point.
  • No need to define additional protocol to allow control points to infer removal of a device.
    If the socket connection is open, a control point can assume the device is available.
    If the socket connection is broken, the control point is immediately prompted to retry connection; if this fails, it can quickly update its state to show that the device is no longer available.
  • No danger of TIME_WAIT socket errors when control points invoke very large numbers of actions and/or devices are rebooted.


Using mDNS, search for _openhome._odp to identify an ODP endpoint.

Sample Code

ohPipeline contains reference code for control point or device stacks.

Control point authors can instantiate CpiDeviceOdp then use standard ohNet proxy classes to access all OpenHome network services. Proxies can be generated from UPnP service XML; pre-generated versions are available in ohNetGenerated.

See ODP test code for a simple example of a control point invoking actions and receiving evented updates over ODP.

Sample code for mDNS discovery of ODP devices is coming soon.



Each message, in either direction, is a JSON object followed by a newline ('\n')


When a client connects, a device announces its capabilities:

       "devices": [
               "type":"one of Ds / MediaRenderer / Preamp",
               "services": [
                   { "name":"service1", "version":1 },
                   { "name":"service2", "version":2 },
                   { "name":"service3", "version":1 }
               "id": "udn",
               "type":"one of Ds / MediaRenderer / Preamp",
               "services": [
                   { "name":"service4", "version":1 },
                   { "name":"service5", "version":1 }


The control point can invoke an action on a device as follows. This will block until a response is sent. Note that it is possible that the control point may receive other messages (e.g. notify - see below) before the action response.
The name for each input argument will match the name element for that argument in the service description XML. All values are strings.

       "type": "action",
       "device": "type",
       "service": { "name": "service_name", "version": 1 },
       "action": "action_name",
       "arguments": [
           { "name": "input_arg_str", "value":"json_escaped_str" },
           { "name": "input_arg_bin", "value":"base64_encoded_str" },
           { "name": "input_arg_bool", "value":"true" },
           { "name": "input_arg_int", "value":"-1" },
           { "name": "input_arg_uint", "value":"3" }
       "userAgent":"optional client identifier"

Response when action invocation is successful.
The name for each output argument will match the name element for that argument in the service description XML. All values are strings.

       "type": "actionResponse",
       "error": null,
       "arguments": [
           { "name": "output_arg_str", "value":"json_escaped_str" },
           { "name": "output_arg_bin", "value":"base64_encoded_str" },
           { "name": "output_arg_bool", "value":"true" },
           { "name": "output_arg_int", "value":"-1" },
           { "name": "output_arg_uint", "value":"3" }

Response when action invocation fails:

       "type": "actionResponse",
       "error": { "code": 123, "description": "error msg" },
       "arguments": null


Subscribe to a particular service. On successful completion, the device will send out unsolicited messages (with type notify) whenever one or more evented properties of a service change.

       "type": "subscribe",
       "device": "type",
       "service": { "name": "service_name", "version": 2 }

Response when a subscribe request succeeds. The subscription id (sid) will be included in all later evented updates for this subscription.

       "type": "subscribeResponse",
       "device": "type",
       "service": { "name": "service_name", "version": 2 }
       "error": null,
       "sid": "subscription_id"

Response when a subscribe request fails. No later evented updates will be sent.

       "type": "subscribeResponse",
       "device": "type",
       "service": { "name": "service_name", "version": 2 }
       "error": { "code": 123, "description": "error msg" },
       "sid": null

Unsubscribe (halt a particular stream of evented updates).

       "type": "unsubscribe",
       "sid": "subscription_id"

Response when an unsubscribe completes. No evented updates for this subscription will be sent after this.

       "type": "unsubscribeResponse"

A device will send the following whenever one or more evented properties change on a service with an active subscription.
The name for each property will match the name element for the associated stateVariable in the service description XML. All values are strings.

       "type": "notify",
       "sid": "subscription_id",
       "properties": [
           { "name": "property_str", "value":"json_escaped_str" },
           { "name": "property_bin", "value":"base64_encoded_str" },
           { "name": "property_bool", "value":"true" },
           { "name": "property_int", "value":"-1" },
           { "name": "property_uint", "value":"3" }